Pixelmator 2.0 Launches In Mac AppStore Tomorrow With New Editing Tools

Posted: October 31, 2011 by AppleWorld in Labels:

One of the most popular tools among the Mac OS graphic designs “Pixelmator” going to be updated tomorrow with a major update from the team behind the amazing tool. Pixelmator 2.0 will be released tomorrow in the Mac App Store for $30, and also the updates will be rolled out to the old users who purchased the software at price $29. Pixelmator is similar to the infamous designing suite Adobe Photoshop and almost provides all the features with the minimal price tag to the users on their Mac OS.

The new version of the Pixelmator seems to be designed very carefully with having the demand of the tools and design what their users want from their self. The tool will be land on Mac App Store and surely will get the place in one of the popular tools in the Apple’s Mac App Store. This is the best alternative to Adobe Photoshop for the users who can’t afford it to purchase the big picture editing suite.
The new Pixelmator 2.0 says to be coming with numerous new image editing features, including the support of Apple’s latest OS X Lion and supports the Auto Save features, which could allow users to produce more efficient designs on the suit. Pixelmator 2.0 will be offered for $29.99 for a week or day, then the developer team will raise the price to $59.99 soon after the launch of the suite in Mac App Store.