Apple To Launch HDTV With Siri Integration As Controller

Posted: October 31, 2011 by AppleWorld in Labels:

Rumors of Apple HDTV now start circulating around the globe since the Steve Jobs Biography launches in the public. A large number of tech geeks purchased the book to read and found out an interesting quote by Jobs that he “found a way to crack into a TV.” We have found that couple of sources already starts claiming on the base of their industry checks that Apple is so far prototyping the Apple HDTV for testing.
The analyst believes that Apple may launch its Apple HDTV next year with complete revolutionized features, exactly similar to the iTunes and iPhone as they have already revolutionized the way of interacting with devices and the way of managing music or videos on several devices. Some of the geeks believe that Jobs meant to be an TV with the new iPhone 4S Siri, which could allow users to communicate with TV’s and to control them with their voices. Steve Jobs think that the TV product will completely change the TV.

In addition to all rumors and analyst believes. It appears today that the New York Times. Nick Bilton receives some information about the Apple TV, especially about the integration of Siri into a TV. He says in the post that Siri will replace the need of the controller, and user will navigate between content on its large screen using the voice commands. Bilton quotes anonymous sources saying that an Apple television is a “guaranteed product for Apple” because “Steve thinks the industry is totally broken,” which is echoed by passages in Steve Jobs’ biography.
Bilton also said in a note that the Cupertino Company was working on the project since 2007, the year when Apple has launched the iPhone and the Apple TV set-top box to general public. He as well noted in a post that company still needed to do a quiet work on the project before speaking out on it to be public.