Here's a Safe Way to Coil Your MacBook's Power Adapter Cord

Posted: October 15, 2011 by AppleWorld in Labels: ,

Photo via Apple Defects

Don't know how to properly coil the MagSafe cord for your MacBook or MacBook Pro? Well that's cool, but you might want to start doing it the correct way, lest you burn your house down. The guys at Tested have figured out a simple way to make sure your laptop's power cord is properly wound up, without the risk of electrical shock.

To do this properly, create a loop at the beginning of the coil (referred to as the "pigtail") and then wrap it around the MagSafe powerbrick as you normally would. The pigtail actually prevents the ends from bending too much, which could cause wire exposure and ultimately lead to sudden death.

We're sort of exaggerating, but this is one of those PSAs you don't want to avoid. We should also add that you make sure to coil the cord in its "natural" way, e.g.  in the direction the cord was going right out of the box. And if you can't remember any of these instructions, just keep this in mind: don't go against the curve.